December exhibition: overview

27.11.2021 – 2.1.2022 | Beim Stadthaus

Exhibition view
December exhibition: Overview 2021

The traditional December exhibition at the Kunst Museum Winterthur is organized in rotation of a juried and an invited exhibition. In 2021 the December exhibition will again be held jointly at the Kunsthalle Winterthur and the Kunst Museum Winterthur as a juried exhibition. The artists will be selected by a jury consisting of representatives of the Winterthur group of artists, the Kunsthalle Winterthur and the Kunst Museum Winterthur on the basis of their submitted dossiers and invited to the exhibition with individual works or smaller groups of works. By presenting and promoting contemporary art, the December exhibition has an important function as a platform for the regional art scene. The show provides a broad and stimulating overview of current artistic creation and is a place for lively exchange.
This enables new discoveries as well as the long-term pursuit of developments by selected artists. On the occasion of the juried December exhibition 2021, the newly created “Preis des Galerievereins. Friends Art Museum Winterthur” is awarded.
The call for entries will be published in summer 2021 on the websites of the Kunsthalle, Künstlergruppe and Kunst Museum Winterthur as well as in various media.

With kind support


Kunst Museum Winterthur
Beim Stadthaus
8400 Winterthur
Get directions


Tue 10 am–8 pm
Wed to Sun 10 am–5 pm
Monday closed


CHF 19 / 16 (reduced)
With the ticket you can visit all three museums.
